Health Indicators 2023 – Petunjuk Kesihatan 2023
Petunjuk di dalam buku petunjuk kesihatan ini telah pun dikategorikan mengikut perkara-perkara seperti berikut: a) Petunjuk tahap pembangunan sosial dan sosio-ekonomib) Petunjuk tahap kesihatanc) Petunjuk masalah kesihatan khususd) Petunjuk kemajuan perkhidmatan kesihatan Petunjuk ini mencerminkan kedudukan dalam negeri dan kaedah pengiraan petunjuk ini mungkin berbeza sedikit daripada yang biasa diguna oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO).Walau…
World Heart Day 2021 – Fact Sheet
Sempena sambutan Hari Jantung Sedunia 2021, Fact Sheet telah disediakan oleh pihak KKM untuk digunakan dalam aktiviti advokasi kesedaran berkaitan penyakit jantung. In conjunction with the celebration of World Heart Day 2021, a Fact Sheet has been prepared by the MOH to be used in awareness advocacy activities related to heart disease. Lembaran Fakta Hari…
Salt Reduction Strategy to Prevent and Control NCD for Malaysia 2021-2025
The importance of salt reduction in controlling blood pressure is undeniable. Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCD 2013-2020 has targeted 30% reduction in global average population salt consumption by 2025. As a continuation of the previous strategy, The Salt Reduction Strategy To Prevent And Control NCD For Malaysia 2021-2025 outlines the…
World Heart Day Celebration 2021 – Malaysia
Sambutan Hari Jantung Sedunia pada tahun ini disambut pada 29 September 2021 dengan tema “SAYANGI JANTUNG DAN TERUS BERHUBUNG”, yang menfokuskan penggunaan ilmu pengetahuan, kasih sayang dan pengaruh anda untuk memastikan anda, orang tersayang dan komuniti mempunyai peluang terbaik untuk menjalani kehidupan yang sihat. Penggunaan teknologi digital bukan sahaja dapat membantu kita untuk berhubung di…
National Diabetes Registry Report 2020
Dramatic reductions in outpatient visits and laboratory testing early in the COVID-19 pandemic raised concerns about gaps in diabetes management and glycaemic control globally This report presents treatment, complication, and the clinical outcome for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients nationwide for the year 2020 that was derived from the Malaysian National Diabetes Registry in comparison…
The Impact of Noncommunicable Diseases and their Risk Factors on Malaysia’s Gross Domestic Product
The report was primarily written by Alfred Deakin Professor Marj Moodie (lead investigator), Huong Ngoc Quynh Tran and Jaithri Ananthapavan from Deakin Health Economics, Institute of Health Transformation, Deakin University for the Ministry of Health Malaysia and World Health Organization (WHO) Representative Office for Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and Singapore. Additional contributors were Dr Ying-Ru Jacqueline…
Key Findings for National Diabetes Registry Report 2013-2019
The key findings of the report was shared by Dr Arunah Chandran, a public health physician from Cardiovascular-Diabetes Prevention and Control Unit, Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia during the webinar on Role of Nurses in Diabetes Care in conjunction with World Diabetes Day 2020 celebration recently. The National Diabetes Registry (NDR) was established…
World Salt Awareness Week, Minggu Kesedaran Garam Sedunia 2022 – Fact Sheet
Minggu Kesedaran Garam Sedunia 2022 disambut pada 14 Mac – 20 Mac 2022 bertemakan “Shake The Habit” / “Tak Masin Tu OK!”. Kajian pengambilan garam dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia (MyCoSS, 2019) mendapati bahawa purata pengambilan garam adalah melebihi daripada saranan iaitu sebanyak 7.9 gram sehari atau bersamaan dengan 1.6 sudu teh, berbanding saranan yang telah…
World Hypertension Day 2022 – Fact Sheet
The theme of this year’s World Hypertension Day – “Measure your blood pressure, control it, live longer” – highlights the need to increase awareness and access for all people to quality hypertension services. Tekanan Darah Terkawal, Hidup Lebih Sejahtera – merupakan tema Hari Hipertensi Sedunia pada tahun ini. Baca selanjutnya Lembaran Fakta yang disediakan.