Better Health with Roof Over the Head?
What if doctors could write prescriptions for adequate housing? More than anything else, it might improve a person’s overall health.
Malaysians need to undergo health screening
World Diabetes Day is the primary global awareness campaign focusing on diabetes and is held on 14 November each year. Despite increasing efforts to tackle the disease globally, we have not had much success. Malaysia has seen the number of diabetes rising each year, despite various efforts to bring down the number. We are not…
Obesity Prevention Must Begin at Home
So, the cat’s out of the bag! One in two Malaysians are obese. A fifth have diabetes. A third have raised blood pressure (NHMS 2019). While the public health doctor in me would like to begin preaching statistics about how poorly Malaysians are doing and how we could do better as a country, the mother…
Vaccine Hesitancy
As a mother of three young children and a public health doctor as well, the first reported case of polio shocked me. We have not had a polio case in Malaysia for 28 years. Just weeks after the first reported case, we hear the devastating news of two more unvaccinated children falling ill due to…
Risk Perception in Determining Adoption of Heathy Behaviour
During the obesity workshop yesterday, Dr Feisul had talked about risk perception in determining adoption of healthy behaviours. It’s not just about awareness and knowledge. Read more here: